Each year, on March 18, Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day is recognized across Canada. Durham Region Transit (DRT) acknowledges and appreciates the efforts of our operators and staff, recognizing their daily contributions.
Bill Holmes, DRT’s General Manager, extends his appreciation for all DRT staff in the following short video: Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day 2024 (youtube.com)
Thousands of residents and visitors rely on the dedicated and hardworking people at DRT to safely get them where they need to go. Below are just a few shared experiences from staff members about what they enjoy most about working at DRT:
- Karen, Data Analysist, says, “Transit is important, and any part I can do to make it great is fantastic.”
- Clarette, Conventional Operator, says one of the things she loves about her role is training new drivers.
- Keven, Conventional Operator, says, “Great job and great people, and I love working where I live.”
- Rari, Analyst, says, “When I looked through my window, I always saw DRT, and I developed a passion to be a part of that.”
- Shawn, Transit Supervisor, says he likes having the freedom to be creative in his role at DRT.
- Darcy, Conventional Operator Trainer, says he likes being a part of the DRT community.
- Irini, Customer Service Representative, says, “At DRT, there are good people around, it makes me want to stay forever.”
Throughout the week, DRT will be recognizing Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day through our social media channels using #ThanksTransit. Be sure to tune in on social media during the week of March 18, 2024, to see more fun facts and quotes from DRT staff.